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6th Avenue, Rockefeller Center and Radio City Music Hall

6th Avenue, Rockefeller Center and Radio City Music Hall


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Foto #: US13218174195438
6th Avenue, Rockefeller Center and Radio City Music Hall

Por: centli
Publicada: Noviembre 20, 2011

Copyright © Centli Web Solutions Co., 2001-2024
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Por: centli
Publicada: Noviembre 20, 2011



266 visitas

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Fotos antiguas de New York City, New York
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Cathedral of Saint John the Divine

Cathedral of Saint John the Divine

Times Square

Times Square

Misty morning on New York Bay

Misty morning on New York Bay

Student Hall of the U.S. Naval Training School, in Bronx

Student Hall of the U.S. Naval Training School, in Bronx



Rockefeller Center Building

Rockefeller Center Building

Saint Patricks Cathedral

Saint Patricks Cathedral

Riverside Church

Riverside Church

Rockefeller Center Building

Rockefeller Center Building

Yankee Stadium

Yankee Stadium

Broadway and 42nd Street

Broadway and 42nd Street

Times Square

Times Square

Times Square

Times Square

La Guardia Field

La Guardia Field

14th Street, Subway Station

14th Street, Subway Station

St. Patrick´s Cathedral

St. Patrick´s Cathedral

Cathedral of St. John the Divine

Cathedral of St. John the Divine

Williamsburg Bridge, from Broadway Ferry

Williamsburg Bridge, from Broadway Ferry

Hotel Woodstock

Hotel Woodstock

Brooklyn Bridge Subway Station

Brooklyn Bridge Subway Station

Ellis Island, Immigration Depot

Ellis Island, Immigration Depot

Bird´s eye view of Madison Square Garden

Bird´s eye view of Madison Square Garden

Madison Square

Madison Square

The Bridge of Sighs connecting the Tombs and Criminal Court Building

The Bridge of Sighs connecting the Tombs and Criminal Court Building

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