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Vintage photos of Plymouth, Massachusetts
Most recently uploaded photos are shown first (1 to 19 of 19):

The New Armory

The New Armory

Old Curiosity Shop

Old Curiosity Shop

Elder Brewster Spring

Elder Brewster Spring

Canopy over Plymouth Rock

Canopy over Plymouth Rock

Steamboat Landing

Steamboat Landing

The Howland House, 1666, Pilgrim House

The Howland House, 1666, Pilgrim House

Visit the Plymouth Antique Centre

Visit the Plymouth Antique Centre

Hotel Pilgrim

Hotel Pilgrim

Samoset House

Samoset House

Mayflower Hotel

Mayflower Hotel

Aptucxet, 1627, Plymouth Colony´s First Trading Post

Aptucxet, 1627, Plymouth Colony´s First Trading Post

Court House

Court House

Howland House, Built 1667. Oldest House in Plymouth

Howland House, Built 1667. Oldest House in Plymouth

Old Howland House

Old Howland House

Cole´s Hill

Cole´s Hill

Main Street, Looking North

Main Street, Looking North

Main Street

Main Street

Market Square

Market Square

Main Street, Looking North

Main Street, Looking North

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