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Vintage photos of Buffalo, New York
Most recently uploaded photos are shown first (25 to 48 of 51):

Port Office

Port Office

Shelton Square

Shelton Square

Iroquois Hotel

Iroquois Hotel

Hotel Touraine

Hotel Touraine

Marine National Bank Building

Marine National Bank Building

Ellicott Square Building

Ellicott Square Building

St. Paul´s Church and Prudential Building

St. Paul´s Church and Prudential Building

Wlcox Residence, where President Roosevelt tool the oath of office, September 14th, 1901

Wlcox Residence, where President Roosevelt tool the oath of office, September 14th, 1901

Milburn Residence, where President McKinley died on September 14th, 1901

Milburn Residence, where President McKinley died on September 14th, 1901

Mckinley Monument

Mckinley Monument

Downtown Buffalo

Downtown Buffalo

St. Pauls Cathedral

St. Pauls Cathedral

St. Paul´s Episcopal Cathedral and Shelton Square

St. Paul´s Episcopal Cathedral and Shelton Square

Lafayette Square

Lafayette Square

Niagara Square

Niagara Square

Federal Building

Federal Building

Electric Building

Electric Building

Building of the Buffalo General Electric Company

Building of the Buffalo General Electric Company

Electric Building at Night

Electric Building at Night

Lafayette Square with Liberty Bank Building at Left

Lafayette Square with Liberty Bank Building at Left

Telephone Bldg.

Telephone Bldg.

Rand Building

Rand Building

D. S. Morgan Building

D. S. Morgan Building

St. Joseph´s Cathedral with Spires Removed

St. Joseph´s Cathedral with Spires Removed

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